Digital Smarts - Teens, Tech and Obesity – A New Study

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A new study from the Journal of Pediatrics reports that teens who used screen devices, such as smartphones or tablets, for five or more hours daily had a twofold higher likelihood of drinking sugar-sweetened beverages and were 43% more likely to become obese than those who didn't use such devices. The findings also showed a 74% increased risk of poor sleep among those who used screen devices for at least five hours daily. While only you know what effect screen devices has on your children, one dietician pointed out "If kids are playing video games on the computer while they're eating, they sometimes don't register an end to their hunger. Eating can become mindless rather than mindful, and they may not realize they are actually full." That’s just something to keep in the back of your mind for cold winter days when kids are glued to the couch playing video games.