Digital Smarts - Want to Cut Kids’ Screen Time? Set Limits For Yourself As a Parent First

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Young children learn by example, often copying the behavior of adults, which includes imitating how parents use digital devices. Multiple studies on the subject are taking place; what researchers often observe is that the first thing parents do is check their phone before they stop to eat with a child, get to a children’s sporting event, or arrive home from most anywhere. They often give the device more attention than they do their child. Researchers also found that these and other lapses often cause children to act out in order to get their parents’ attention. One researcher even reported a four year-old complaining: “I feel like I’m just boring. I’m boring my dad because he will take any text, any call, any time, even on the ski lift.” In response, a family therapist suggests parents “make time for real-life activities with your kids that let them know that they’re worth your time and undivided attention. Do things together that nourish your relationship.” For more tips see 5 Ways to Save Yourself from Device Addiction on the Common Sense Media site.