Digital Smarts - Influencers Get Real on Instagram

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An article in The Atlantic online notes that Instagram influencers have spent the past several years perfecting masterful shots of everything from perfectly staged avocado toast and lattes to beautiful, photo-worthy restaurant bathrooms, but that look of perfection is going out of fashion. Today's younger influencers are opting for a more authentic vibe with unfiltered and even low-production photos, longer captions and the sharing of money-making ideas, all of which appear to be resonating with viewers. It will be interesting to see if this style of posting spills over into Facebook, Snapchat and other apps popular with teens. Experts have consitently made note of the tendency for adults and teens to only post about the perfect aspects of their life, which can often make others feel dissatisfied or feeling that their lives don’t measure up. This trend could potentially counteract those negative feelings.