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Half Hollow Hills High School East, Dix Hills

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Building With A Heart

The vision of the Architecture Club members at Half Hollow Hills High School East in Dix Hills was to create a new play space for children. Club members did something constructive to help make that vision a reality by building and constructing a child’s size picnic table and playhouse for Madonna Heights, a facility that offers services for women and their children in need. The students were involved in all aspects of construction including: designing the windows, crawl holes, and painting the structures. Over 20 students worked for about 6 months on both the playhouse and picnic table.

Through the years the Architecture Club members have designed and created a number of community service projects including, dog houses for a local animal shelter, and knock hockey tables for the local Boys and Girls Club. When the young builders were asked about their project, Kelli J. shared, “It felt good to give back to those in the community that are facing hardship.” Sam M. noted, “While helping those in need, I enjoyed learning new techniques about building.” Lastly, Matt P. added, “It was fun to build with a group as a team-building experience.”
