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Great Hollow Middle School, Nesconset

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Blankets for Smiles

Caring for those in need has been a mission for students at Great Hollow Middle School in Nesconset. The school’s community service club, The Peanut Butter Gang, has volunteered at a soup kitchen, visited residents at a local nursing home, made treats for needy children at the holidays, and baked homemade dog biscuits for the Guide Dog Foundation.

Recently, their focus has turned to needy children born with a cleft lip or palate. The sixth thru eighth graders made no-sew blankets, which will be delivered to Operation Smile, and distributed to children comforting them after surgery. Club member Emma M. shared, "When I was making blankets for Operation Smile I felt very happy. I was happy because I knew that a little girl or boy would be getting these soft, beautiful blankets and they would have a smile on their face." Dara S. exclaimed, "It was a lot of fun. I’d want to do it again because I like community service and I think it’s a good thing to do." Lastly, Kyleigh K. added, “It was fun. I think the kids will be really happy to get them."
