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East Broadway Elementary School, Seaford

Event Photo

Musicians Bringing Smiles

The East Broadway Elementary School of the Levittown School District hosted "A Community Evening of Music" as a fundraiser for Long Island Cares. Admission was a non-perishable item collected by student council officers as they greeted guests at the door. Families and local residents came together in holiday spirit to enjoy an evening of giving, entertainment and dining. The evening featured The East Broadway Community Service Chorus, along with the school’s Band Ensemble, and String Ensemble. Joining in, was a singing group from MacArthur High School and an adult singing group of music teachers from the Long Island area.

Recently, the chorus took their show on the road and performed for Levittown retired teachers at a local restaurant. Student council officers brought holiday cards and chocolate for each adult at the luncheon. The kids said they loved performing because they got to see their teachers that had just retired, and they liked seeing the joy on their faces. All who attended joined in the fun by singing along and clapping to the beat. The East Broadway Community Service Music Group has performed at many Long Island venues over the last several years and will continue to do so for a long time.

Community Event Photos
