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Metuchen, NJ - May 27, 2014

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Charity Champions

Charity Champions Grand Prize Presentation at Metuchen High School

Assemblywoman Nancy Pinkin and Mayor Thomas Vahalla joined Power to Learn in recognizing Metuchen High School students as the New Jersey Charity Champions Grand Prize winners. Charity Champions is a program run by Cablevision’s Power to Learn that encourages high school students to volunteer and raise money for a charity of their choice. Metuchen High School chose to support Breaking the Chain Through Education, a nonprofit organization founded by teacher Evan Robbins that provides funding to rescue groups of enslaved children. Throughout the 2013-2014 school year, students raised over $16,000 for the organization through multiple fund raising events. The money raised has funded the release of 30 trafficked children, as well as funded the development of a school and housing for teachers. Over 200 students attended the Charity Champions Grand Prize Ceremony event, which involved a performance by the school band, a short film about the work being done in Ghana, and original slam poetry performances. Assemblywoman Pinkin, Mayor Vahalla and Superintendent Vincent Caputo all spoke about the importance of community service and congratulated the students on their successful fundraising efforts. The event concluded with Cablevision presenting the $5,000 check to Breaking the Chain through Education founder, Evan Robbins.

“First, I’d like to congratulate the students involved in this worthy effort and say how very proud we are of each of you,” said Assemblywoman Pinkin. “Thanks to your commitment, many of these children are no longer living under horrific conditions and will have a chance to receive an education. I would also like to thank Cablevision for continuing to make its Charity Champions program available to our young people for the fifth consecutive year.”

Mayor Vahalla added, “Living in Metuchen, it is difficult to imagine the lives of these youngsters in Ghana who are sold to the fishing industry by their parents. Without organizations like Breaking the Chain Through Education, their chances for receiving an education would be slim. I applaud all of you here today for your commitment to those in need. And thank you to Cablevision for creating a program that continues to motivate young people to help others.”