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Fairfield, CT - April 9, 2015

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Charity Champions

Fairfield High School Students Participate in Charity Champions

Students at Fairfield High School’s Walter Fitzgerald Campus were recognized during the school's "International Dinner" event for their charitable work and participation in Charity Champions. The students have chosen to raise money and awareness for the Daniel Trust Foundation, a charity whose mission is to support orphans around the world. The charity’s founder, Daniel Trust, was present at the event and spoke to the students about his experiences and the work of the foundation. He was presented with $1,000 for the charity and thanked the students for their efforts. Fairfield High School was then given with $500 for the furtherance of their charitable activities. Town of Fairfield First Selectman Mike Tetreau also participated in the event and thanked the students for their commitment to community service.

"I would like to congratulate all of the participating students for their commitment to raising funds for such a deserving charity," said First Selectman Tetreau. "Daniel Trust is truly an inspiration to all of us, someone who has a positive outlook despite what he has gone through in life. I also thank Optimum Community for bringing Charity Champions to our area."