Digital Smarts - Where Teens are Heading After Facebook

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As Facebook fades in popularity with teens, the job of parents to keep up with their kids’ online lives is becoming more difficult. As a starting point, parents should learn what other social networking sites and apps their teens are using. To get that process started, take a look at the article 15 Sites and Apps Kids are Heading to After Facebook  that appeared recently on the Common Sense Media site. The article divides the types of apps and sites into various categories including: texting apps (such as Kik Messenger), microblogging (Instagram, Twitter and Vine fit in here), self-destructing/secret apps (Snapchat is the most known) and chatting/meeting/dating (ranging from MeetMe to Tinder). What each app/site is used for is summarized in the article, as well as bulleted lists of what parents need to know about each site.