Digital Smarts - What’s the Difference Between Taking a Test on the Computer or Using Paper and Pencil?

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Despite evidence that students who have taken standardized exams on the computer tend to score worse than those who took the tests on paper, educational groups are pushing schools to do assessments online. There are definite advantages, such as quicker feedback on performance, the ability to cater to different kinds of learners through a variety media formats, and a faster assessment of data to help with and remediate student performance. What do parents need to know about getting kids ready to take tests online? Studies have shown that kids perform better when they have access to technology in and out of school, are required to use it for school assignments, and use technology in more powerful ways – including writing, manipulating data, creating projects and knowing how to type. Make sure your kids are using the computer for more than playing games, know how to use the basic functions of a word processor even at a third grade level, and start learning how to type when it is appropriate.