Digital Smarts - Townhall on Facebook – A New Way to Reach Your Representatives

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One of Facebook's new tools, Town Hall, allows you to find out who your local, state, and federal representatives are. You can get to it by visiting, or on a desktop, you will find it under the "Explore" section of your News Feed , and on mobile devices you will find it in the menu of the Facebook app. You will need to submit your address — which Facebook says it will use only for civic engagement tools, not for advertising purposes — to get full information on your representatives. From there, you can contact your elected representatives directly with a single click, by calling the first number listed on the official's Facebook page (if you're on the social network's mobile app), or by sending an email or a Facebook message. The ability to contact to your political representatives will also be integrated into the News Feed, according to Facebook. When you like or comment on a post that has been published by an elected official you follow, you will also be given the option to contact that representative directly.