Digital Smarts - New York City Schools to End Ban on Cellphones

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New York City schools are following the lead of other large, urban districts, such as Los Angeles and Chicago, and ending the ban on cellphones in school. The district's current policy, considered one of the strictest in the country, forbids students from having cellphones at school even if they are turned off. Officials now say a revised policy will recognize cellphones as tools for education and safety. In an era where students are in constant connection with each other and parents want to be able to reach their children when they need to, banning cellphones from schools is increasingly seen as counterproductive. Teachers are experimenting with technology and finding that the “smart” devices many students carry in their pockets can be valuable classroom tools. Allowing phones to be brought into the school building has its advantages, but it is important for rules to be in place to prevent distractions, cheating, and cyberbullying.