Digital Smarts - Millenials Fooled Less By Fake News

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A new analysis from Web analytics firm Jumpshot found that Facebook users are two-and-a-half times more likely to read fake news on the platform than news from reputable publishers. However, Millennial users were 16% less likely than the general population to click on a fake news story, with only 27% of 13-33 year-olds saying they always trust news on social media. With 79% of its traffic generated from Facebook, “Occupy Democrats” was the No. 1 fake news publisher in terms of referrals from the social network, followed closely by “American News” (78%), and “Addicting Info” (73%). By comparison, Huffington Post ranked highest among the actual news sites measured, with 29% of its traffic emanating from Facebook, followed by The New York Times (20%) and CNN (11%).