Digital Smarts - Live Photo Feature on iPhone 6S Causes Privacy Concerns

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Do you have a new iPhone 6S or are you thinking about getting one? The new photo feature on the phone captures a second and a half of video and audio before and after each “still” picture snap and, by default, this feature is set to “on.” That can help your photos come “alive,” but right now no one expects the taking of a photo to include a recording of their words. In keeping with the “law of unintended consequences” when it comes to technology, that means that lots of unintentional words are going to be caught along with that still picture – for instance, who has a crush on whom, or maybe some nasty comment. Think about warning friends that what they say, as well as what they do, may be captured when they go to take a picture, and make sure those pictures don’t get uploaded or tagged without the permission of the person who is speaking. Remind your kids, who might have the new iPhone, that other people’s privacy needs to be protected as well as their own, because after all, payback may be just a snap away.

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