Digital Smarts - Brevity is the Key with Emails

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Kids don’t send many emails these days and rely instead on texting, so even more of a reason to share some tips about emailing with them. The key? Brevity. What was once considered rude in letter format is now proper etiquette when writing an email. Here’s more:

  • People are burdened with email. Help relieve their burden by keeping your message concise and clear. Brevity in an email shows respect for your reader’s time.
  • Don’t bother with the niceties like asking “how are you” unless you have a real reason.
  • If you need a yes-or-no answer, make sure you are asking a yes-or-no question
  • If you need to set up a meeting, don’t just say you need to set up a meeting; suggest a time and place.
  • Shoot for five sentences or less.
  • Keep your subject line short. It will likely be read on a mobile device so six words max. Never leave the subject line blank. That’s rude. And never put the whole message in a subject line; that’s a text message.

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