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Watch Out for Man-in-the-Middle Attack on iCloud

A new kind of attack is being made on Apple’s iCloud, called a “man-in-the-middle attack”. This kind of attack is when a hacker puts a fake website between the user and the real website they were aiming for...

How Safe Is the Cloud?

The recent incident of the posting of hacked celebrity photos after a iCloud software security breach, has many questioning whether the technology can ever be used safely. Proponents of the cloud counter that no technology or application is safe or unsafe in and of itself, and that taking the right precautions can greatly mitigate any vulnerabilities...

Keeping Your Data Safe From Hackers

In the wake of revelations about the hundreds of millions of email address and other types of personal identification being hacked, there are some simple things you can do to protect yourself...

Watch Out for that USB Device

When it comes to school projects involving groups, one of the greatest inventions has been the USB drive for carrying files from house to house and home to school...
